Donnerstag, September 19, 2024

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Clumsy Would-Be Thieves Attempt Jewelry Store Heist with Sledgehammers — and Fail Spectacularly: Watch the Video

A Bumbling Attempt at Burglary: The Failed Heist at DeVons Jewelers

In a scene that could easily be mistaken for a slapstick comedy, two would-be burglars attempted to execute a brazen daytime heist at DeVons Jewelers in Lincoln Village, San Joaquin County, California. Armed with sledgehammers and dressed in all black, the duo approached the jewelry store with the intent to smash their way to a fortune in Rolex watches. However, their plan quickly unraveled, leading to a series of missteps that left them empty-handed and humiliated.

The Attempted Heist

On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday afternoon, around noon, the two men made their way to the outdoor display case of DeVons Jewelers, which was prominently showcasing an array of luxury Rolex timepieces. As captured on video by a bystander, the pair began their assault on the glass display, swinging their sledgehammers with all the finesse of amateur athletes. Despite their efforts, the glass proved to be more resilient than they anticipated, refusing to shatter even after multiple strikes.

The video footage reveals the thieves awkwardly gripping their sledgehammers, suggesting a lack of experience with such tools. Their frustration was palpable as they began to tire, realizing that their plan was not going as smoothly as they had hoped.

A Quick Response

As the chaos unfolded, an employee of DeVons Jewelers quickly recognized the danger. She fled through the back door and sought refuge at the neighboring Nekter Juice Bar, where she informed the owner, Mark Sarale, about the robbery in progress. Sarale described her as visibly shaken, prompting him to take immediate action to protect his customers and staff by locking the doors and urging everyone to stay inside.

Meanwhile, the employees at DeVons were not idle. Recognizing the imminent threat, they sprang into action, swiftly removing the valuable watches from the display case. According to Andres Lopez of the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Office, it was this decisive action that ultimately deterred the would-be robbers. Upon witnessing the employees securing the merchandise, the thieves abandoned their futile attempts and fled the scene.

The Getaway

The bumbling burglars made a hasty retreat to their getaway vehicle, a black four-door sedan, and sped away from the scene. Although they left empty-handed, the attempted heist resulted in significant damage to the jewelry store, amounting to thousands of dollars. Fortunately, no one was injured during the incident, but the psychological impact on employees and nearby businesses was palpable.

The Aftermath

In the wake of the failed robbery, local law enforcement emphasized the importance of community vigilance. Lopez noted that such smash-and-grab incidents are not uncommon, occurring frequently in both daytime and nighttime settings. He cautioned against the impulse to record crimes in progress, advising that it could draw unwanted attention from the perpetrators.

DeVons Jewelers released a statement expressing relief that all staff and customers were safe, while also commending their employees for their quick thinking and response during the crisis. The incident, however, left a mark on the local community, with neighbors like Sarale expressing shock at the audacity of the thieves. “It’s pretty brazen to do something like that at noon,” he remarked, highlighting the unsettling nature of the event.


The attempted heist at DeVons Jewelers serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of crime and the importance of preparedness in the face of danger. While the would-be burglars may have walked away in defeat, their clumsy attempt at robbery has left a lasting impression on the community. As law enforcement continues to investigate the incident, one can only hope that the lessons learned from this escapade will deter future criminal endeavors in the area.

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